Essential Oils For Cat Nose Care
First of all, you should know that the nose of your cat can be warm & dry or cold & moist for many reasons. But these don't necessarily indicate an internal condition on your pet. However, it is till important to practice preventive measures by using natural homemade remedies.
While your cat's nose may not necessarily pinpoint an underlying condition, it is susceptible to various problems such as runny nose, congestion, and other 'Upper respiratory Infections'.
Remember that your cat's sense of smell is a lot keener than yours. Never apply essential oils directly on your cat's nose. Instead always use it aromatically by diffusing the oils or applying it on your cat's body.
There are two oils that can maintain the health of your cat's upper respiratory system: frankincense oil and myrtle oil.
You already know that frankincense oil has many benefits for your cat when used topically and aromatically. In addition to supporting proper immune function, frankincense oil also helps in soothing the respiratory tract and relieving ailments such as coughing and nasal congestion.
Just like frankincense oil, myrtle oil also helps boost the immune system and support the respiratory system of your cat. But it is specifically known for its effects on the respiratory system, skin, and the endocrine system.
You can use the tissue diffusion method using any of these oils regularly to improve the respiratory and immune systems of your cat. You can also blend these two oils using the recipe below:
- 6 drops Frankincense Oil
2-4 drops Myrtle Oil
50-80 drops Carrier Oil
In addition to diffusion, you can also apply this recipe via the Kitty Raindrop Technique while putting more emphasis on your cat's upper spine.
Finally, you have covered most of the essential oil recipes and practices for cat care. Though there are other recipes out there and you are free to experiment on your own, remember that the specific blends and oils in this pages are the only ones proven to be safe and effective through holistic research. Still, you are encouraged to explore the vast natural world of essential oils to improve your experience.
Reference: Essential Oils For Cats : The Blokehead