Aroma Pets

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TAD - How to Dilute Hydrosols

You can use hydrosols undiluted for acute conditions, if your dog chooses to lick them. You do not need to dilute for washing wounds or soothing skin. However for long term use or sensitive dogs dilution is necessary. The general rule is for emotional problems (sensitive issues) and sensitive dogs dilute more. You can start with as little as 1 drop in 1 cup/250ml of water. If your dog shows no interest in this dilution add more drops until he comes closer. If he leaves when you add more drops, just leave the water on the floor. Your dog will come back to it when the hydrosol has evaporated a little and the smell fades to a comfortable level.

If you have a strong, robust dog ( not necessarily large in size, it could be a Jack Russel, we are talking about robust character here) start with 1 teaspoon/5ml in 1 cup/250ml. You have a lot of leeway with hydrosols, they are extremely safe. It is just a matter of finding your dog's comfort level.

Rates of Dilution, Hydrosols

Physical problems, start at 10% to 50% hydrosol in filtered water. Emotional problems, 1 - 10 drops in 1 cup/250 ml of filtered water.

Once you have diluted the aromatics your dog selected, offer them to him again. You must be patient when offering and watch carefully.The key to using aromatics is understanding what your dog is saying when he responds to them. A dog's response can be so subtle you think nothing is happening. Or he may want to eat the bottle out of your hand. This depends on your dog's character and the nature of his imbalance. when working with a dog on a particular problem, set yourself up for success. Make this quality one on one time with your dog, a quite healing time for you to share together. Choose a time when there are no other distractions or excitments, such as food time or walks. Exclude other animals if they will be a distraction.

There are three major ways dogs choose to interact with aromatic extracts....


Your dog may just smell the oil, lying down quietly. He will go into a trance-like state, head lowered, eyes flickering as he processes what's happening. It may look like he is just lying there doing nothing. But if you observe carefully, you will see the eyes flickering and nostrils slightly flaring. If you move the bottle away, he may either follow the aroma with his nose, or glance at you quickly.

If there is no reaction when you move the bottle, replace the lid and wait for your dog to return from his relaxed space before offering another oil. Do not hurry the process and do not try to offer other oils until he has " come back", this may take half an hour or so. You can leave him to it. I consider inhalation the most powerful way to deliver essential oils, since they go straight into the brain via the olfactory system, which trigger the appropriate responses in the body. That is why just smelling an essential oil can be enough to reduce pain, balance hormones, relieve itching, etc. 


If your dog tries to lick or bite the bottle, dab a small amount of diluted oil on your hand, and allow him to lick it off. Repeat this three or four times in  session. The sense of smell and taste function together, and most essential oils taken into the mouth will be absorbed into the olfactory cavity. Some of the oil will be absorbed into the blood system via the mucous membranes, but only a minimal amount will reach the digestive system. Dogs are most likely to want to lick the oils if they have a physical problem or one that is not very deeply rooted.

Your dog may occasionally indicate a particular spot on the body by putting his nose to it, scratching, moving into you with his body, or communicating what he wants in some unique way of his own. Often he is indicating an acupreSsure point, or a spot that is painful. In this case, slowly move your hand into the area, allowing your dog to guide you to the exact spot, or to move your hand into the area, allowing your dog to guide you to the exact spot, or move away if he does not want oil on his body after all. Massage the area lightly until he moves away.

Your dog will interact differently with each essential oil at different times. in the beginning he may be intensely interested in others. But this interest can vary from day to day. As treatment progresses your dog should lose interest in all the oils. Interest levels are classed "Keen", "moderate", or "none". Signs of keen interest are intense concentration on the bottle, trance, and/or eye flickering.

When the interest is moderate the dog will be easily distracted from the bottle, not go fully into trance, lick a little, then sniff around. I offer the remedy twice a day when interest is keen, once a day when moderate. Dogs will normally start to lose interest in the oils within three days to a week of the first session. In rare cases your dog will lose interest after one session, especially if the problem was not deep seated. By the time your dog loses interest in the oil completely you will normally see a significant reduction of the problem.

  • Basic Guide
    Let your dog smell the oils on your shortlist, with the bottle caps on
    if your dog pulss away from one of the bottle, take it away.
    If your dog likes or needs a specific oil, it will say 'yes' with a big lick
    I dilute the carrot seed 2 drops in 5ml/1tsp sunflower and put it on my hand for the dog to snifff or lick as he chooses.
    hthe dog licks 1/2 ml diluted oil from my hand twice cleaning up thoroughly each time.
    The third time I add oil to my hand he licks my wrist, avoiding the oil, This means he has had enough internally but is still taking it by olfaction.
    The second diluted essential oil, lavender, he just inhales.This is a typical pose for a dog when inhaling and slipping into trance.
    He then lies down, but before he does so he licks his tummy. I think he may want a little of the lavender rubbed there.
    I hold my oily hand just above the spot he was licking, he doesn't move.

Reference: The Aromatic Dog : Nayana Morag 

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