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Infestation is one of the most problematic issues when it comes to raising cats and dogs. When diagnosed with infestation such as fleas or ticks, a veterinarian will usually prescribe products that aim to kill these parasites in a straightforward manner. However, some chemicals contained in a lot of pest killing products such as soaps, powders, and shampoos are also extremely toxic when accidentally ingested by your pet. This is particularly true for pyrethroid - based products and those with organophosphates. Of course, they can also harm humans who use those products in their pets either by ingestion or through frequent skin contact.

Surprisingly, the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency is allowing these products to be sold in the market. So if you're still using commercial products to eliminate fleas and ticks on your pets, be extra cautious and check if the product you're buying is pyrethroid-based or not. Nevertheless, this is basically why more people feel comfortable when using natural 'home' remedies for fleas and ticks - especially essential oils. Not only are specific oil blends helpful in repelling and eliminating fleas and ticks, they also improve the emotional wellbeing and the overall skin health of your pet.

Without further ado, here are some of the best essential oil recipes for removing fleas and ticks for your cat:

First of all, there are plenty of essential oils that can be used on their own as natural insect repellants. This includes orange, lemon, pine, and tea tree essential oil. While they are very potent in preventing the spread of fleas, ticks, and other insects, these essential oils in particular are more likely to be unsafe for cats than other essential oils. Furthermore, remember that essential oil blends specifically made for insect infestations may be diluted in water or remain undiluted. This will maximize the potency of these oils, but can put your cat at risk with overuse. Use caution and be sure to follow the instructions exactly as stated in each recipe.

With this being said, it is best to start with the safest essential oil blend and see if it does the job properly. This particular blend contains lavender and Cedarwood essential oils. Cedarwood oil is known as an insecticidal, anti-bacterial, and moisturizing essential oil that can be safely used on cats. To produce the Cedarwood & lavender insect repellant for your cat, use the following recipe:

Cedarwood oil 8 drops
Lavender oil 4 drops
1/4 cup water  
Spray bottle  

To begin, simply mix all the ingredients in a small bowl or cup and pour it into the spray bottle. To use this repellant, lightly and evenly spray your cat 1-3 times a day - depending on the severity of the infestation. Alternatively, you can create a blend of these essential oils in a carrier oil and apply it at least once a day using the Kitty Raindrop technique. The proper dilution for this would be 2 drops cedar oil, 2 drops lavender oil, and 30-50 drops appropriate carrier oil.


The next essential oil blend for fleas and ticks is a little more aggressive. This should only be used if the infestation is severe to a point where you can frequently see the fleas and ticks move around under your cat's coat. This recipe uses lavender oil and Palo Santo Oil.

Here is the recipe for creating the Palo Santo & Lavender insect killing blend:

Lavender 5 drops  
Palo Santo Oil 5 drops  

This particular blend is used undiluted, which is more effective for serious infestations. To use, dip a piece of cotton Q-tip into the mixture and dab it on to affected areas. Just remember to rinse the oils well from your pet's skin with a warm, wet and clean cloth.


This particular recipe is a great alternative to the Cedarwood & lavender spray mentioned earlier. Rosemary is another safe essential oil that also acts as a natural repellant for fleas, ticks, and other insects such as flies and mosquitoes. You may even use natural rosemary leaves to repel insects by themselves.

Palo Santo Oil 4 drops
Rosemary essential oil 6-8 drops
1/2 cup distilled water  
Spray Bottle  

Take note that this blend is slightly less potent than the Cedarwood & Lavender spray. On the other hand, this recipe will be making a spray with more volume. You can apply it 2-4 times a day on your cat.

Getting rid of fleas and other insects hiding underneat your cat's coat is your first step to improving its overall skin health. It should be more enjoyable to pet and cuddle with it now that insect infestation is under control. But it's time to take your pet's skincare to the next level. 

Reference: Essential Oils For Cats : The Blokehead

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