Aroma Pets

Holistic Therapy For Pets

Hydrosol Gel

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A slightly more advanced version is to make your own gel. This way you ensure that your potion is 100% natural. You can also use distilled water, or aloe juice for the liquid part of the gel. But I like to make up a gel using hydrosols. When you add essential oils and herbal oils you make a powerful healing potion. Or you could leave out the essential oils to treat puppies or other sensitives.


100 ml Hydrosol of your choice
1 teaspoon xanthan gum   (available in some health food stores and many aromatherapy supplies)




Use either a hand mixer or blender to make the gel.

  • First warm the bowl or blender with boiling water. This sterilizes the container and makes the hydrosol gel more easily.
  • Pour hydrosol into the warmed bowl/blender
  • Sprinkle the xanthan gum on top of the hydrosol
  • Whisk for about 5 minutes, or until the xanthan gum has completely dissolved and the gel has thickened.
  • The gel should be thick enough to hold its shape in your hand without spreading when dropped from a teaspoon.
  • In any of the following recipes  you can use an appropriate hydrosol gel instead of aloe Vera gel.
  • Reference: The Aromatic Dog: Nayana Morag




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