The Holistic View

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The Holistic View

You may have had the frustrating experience of multiple vet visits for the same problem. And  each time the prescription is changed. For a while there may be some improvement in the condition. But soon you are back to square one: itchy skin, fungal ears, or whatever problem brought you to the vet in the first place.

Maybe you got rid of the itching, but are soon back trying to get on top of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) This happens because modern medicine treats disease symptoms, not their causes. The holistic view sees body, mind, emotions and environment, as one unit. With this view in mind we see that both problems arise from the same underlying imbalance. In a holistic approach symptoms are clues we use to detect where the system has broken down. Our aim is to rebalance your dog's whole system so he can heal himself. To do this we identify stressors and remove them, then support the self healing mechanism with natural medicines. 

The aromatics your dog chooses can help you understand the whole condition. For instance, itching can be caused by diet, stress or pain. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium ) calms skin and is anti-inflammatory. Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) calms skin and nervous stress. Speramint (Mentha Spicata) stimulates digestion and is cooling. The oil your dog chooses provides clues to underlying problems and what else you can do to help.

For full and lasting cure you must look at all the manifestations of disease and create a healthy environment.

Reference: The Aromatic Dog : Nayana Morag


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